Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay on Early Life of Nicolaus Copernicus - 846 Words

Many people have had their great contributions to science. Some had the wrong ideas, or their theories were wrong, or maybe they weren’t asking the right questions. Others had some facts right, and some facts wrong. Many of the great minds in science made discoveries that went against the beliefs of the many, which angered people, but their discoveries still had great influence in the science world and their ideas are still used in science today. But even some of the greatest minds of science have made mistakes. I am about to tell you about the contributions and accomplishments of Nicolaus Copernicus, who faced many of the same challenges that many great discoverers faced in earlier times. I am also going to tell you about some of the†¦show more content†¦Many royals, and high-ranking members of the clergy wanted his medical services, be he would have rather helped the poor rather than people of high status. However even though his training wan in medicine, and he wo rked for the powerful Catholic Church at the time, he was still very interested in astronomy and mathematics even though the Church found studying science was a sin, and an offense to god, and the church. Adult Life of Nicolaus Copernicus: Nicolaus Copernicus was interested in science for a while. He read the work of the Ancient Greeks. In 1513, he bought 800 building stones with the intention of building his own observatory. There Nicolaus would do his work as an astronomer, and make history. In the observatory is where Nicolaus would come up with his famous heliocentric model instead of Ptolemy’s geocentric model. This model will come to be known as what we call today, The Solar System. In Nicolaus’ later life, he had written a few books, or texts. Such texts were Commentariolus, which is Latin for â€Å"Little Commentary†. Copernicus wrote Commentariolus in 1514, but finished in 1530. But he never really published it, but he did show it to his friends. Copernicus thought that if he published his work, he knew that to change the model of the geocentric to heliocentric he would not only challenge Aristotle and Ptolemy, but it would also challenge the Christian do ctrine. However his work did get out thereShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Life of Nicolaus Copernicus566 Words   |  3 PagesNicolaus Copernicus was a Renaissance mathematician and astronomer. He is famous for his formulation of a heliocentric theory of our galaxy. This theory suggested that the Earth and other planets revolve around the sun, which is in the center of our solar system. This heliocentric model was the opposite of what people had believed before, which was that the sun and other planets revolved around Earth. Copernicus was a genius of his time and had a breakthrough in astronomy. 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